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Staff Semi-Monthly Trainings Power Points

Staff Semi-Monthly Trainings Power Points

Paid Time Off Policy

Policy updated 6/15/2020

Full Time Hourly Benefits and Paid Time Off (PTO)


Full Time Hourly Definition: available to work 36+ hours a week for 10 months and does so with no more than 3 extra days (non PTO) taken per year in addition to Paid Time Off (PTO). 


Benefits start 90 days after hire

  • 7 Paid Holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Friday, Christmas Day (only if they fall on a weekday)

  • 90 days-6 months: 5 days PTO, 6 months-12 months: additional 5 days PTO, 12 months+: 10 days/year PTO

  • $0.40/mile when driving to and from work locations. Does not include to/from home. Amount of mileage is based on Google Map’s most efficient route.

  • For extended client cancellations (such as client vacation) employee may request to work in the office at their regular rate for their regularly scheduled hours. Employee may also opt to take the time off with no penalty. This is void if a billable client is available for employee to take. This option is not guaranteed, so permission must be requested. 

  • To earn No-Show Pay, employee must work a full hour in the office, unless providing services in-home.

  • Upon termination, lay-off or furlough, benefits cannot be collected.

  • Employee is allowed 3 extra days of non paid time off. Additional time off taken after this will result in the employee being re-classed as part-time. This is only waived if in writing by the director in form of a contract.


Part Time Paid Time Off (PTO)


Part Time (>35 hours a week) Hourly: starts 90 days after probationary period
3% of your billable hours goes towards PTO 

  • PTO can be used for sick leave, personal days or vacations; no more than 2 weeks taken off or your PTO will drop to 2%.

  • Must give 1 months notice for more than 3 consecutive days off for PTO to be approved. Employee may supply official documentation to get a waiver for required notice.

  • $.40 a mile for driving to and from clinic; to and from your home cannot be collected. The amount paid is based on Google Maps most efficient route. 

  • To earn no-show pay, you must work an hour in the clinic unless in home.

  • Upon termination, lay-off or furlough, benefits cannot be collected.

  • To maintain employment, employee must maintain 90% of their hours (unless employee is able to provide official documentation) for at least 10 of the 12 months.


Guidelines for using PTO for Part Time and Full Time Employees:

  • 30 day’s notice required for more than 3 consecutive days of PTO. Employee may supply official documentation to get a waiver for required notice.

  • PTO expires at the end of each year worked. There are no rollover days. 

  • PTO may not be used if employee has put in official notice for leaving.

  • Employee must work minimum of 1 day after last day of PTO and before leaving company. Failure to do so nullifies the PTO. 

  • PTO may be used for sick leave, personal days or vacations.

  • Limit of 1 employee on PTO at a time, unless approved by Director or Admin

  • Should you be transitioning from Full to Part Time, you will be able to retain your days off if you have worked full time for at least 1 year; for 6 months you may retain 5 of your PTO days. Less than 6 months, you will retain none of your PTO.



Providing High Quality Applied Behavior Analysis Services in the Dayton, Ohio Area Since 2009. 
(p) 937-951-2084   (a) 7016 Corporate Way, Dayton, Ohio 45459    (e)


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